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  • What is Prayer?
    Communication with God.
  • What is Fasting?
    Fasting is abstaining from food for a period of time to prayer and fellowship with the Heavenly Father.
  • What is a Consecration?
    The act or process of dedicating, setting apart a person or thing for God’s use.
  • How to Spiritually Prepare for a Fast and Consecration?
    • Confess sin (I John 1:9) • Forgive those that have wronged you and seek forgiveness of those you have offended. (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3, 4).
  • Why Pray, Fast and Consecrate?"
    • For a deeper relationship and intimacy with God. • For spiritual renewal and a touch from God. • To receive answers to prayer • For a great spiritual awakening and new insight and to know the will of God. • To destroy strongholds and breakthrough from bondage. • For directions from God, provision, and wisdom. • For healing and restoration and strength. • To experience the awareness of God’s presence. • To prepare for revival and to pray for the lost.
  • The Benefits of Prayer, Fast and Consecration - Read Isaiah Chapter 58"
    • Your light shall break forth like the morning. • Your healing shall spring forth speedily. • Your righteousness shall go before you. • The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. • When you call upon the Lord he will answer. • You shall cry and He will say, “Here I’am.” • Your light shall dawn in darkness • Your darkness shall be as the noon day. • The Lord will guide you continually • Satisfy your soul in drought. • Strengthen your bones. • You shall be like a water garden, like a spring of water whose water does not fail. • Those from among you shall build the old waste places. • You shall raise up the foundations of many generations. • You shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the street to dwell in. • For a new perspective and to deepen your relationship with the Heavenly Father. Ezra 8:21-23, Isaiah 58:5-6 • Spiritual cleansing • Spiritual victory • For healing of the land II Chronicles 7:14
  • How Should I fast?
    Fasting has been proven to be a spiritual and physical blessing. Before starting a fast consult your doctor to make should you are physically prepared to fast.
  • What Can I Expect While Praying, Fasting and Consecrating? "
    Be prepared for Satan to Increase the Battle of the Flesh and Spirit. Continue to stay committed. You may experience irritation, edginess, impatience, anxiety, crankiness, hunger pain, tiredness and weakness but stay committed to the fast and keep the right attitude. Galatians 5:16-17 Scripture: Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:14-15, Luke 18:9-14
  • When Does the 21 Day Sacrifice Summit Begin and End?
    October 1st – 21st, 2012.
  • What is the Purpose of the 21 Day Sacrifice Summit?
    Spiritual cleansing, prepare our hearts for a mighty move of God and to seeking God’s face.
  • Who Can Participate in the 21 Day Sacrifice Summit?
    This is a worldwide sacrifice for men, women, boys, girls, churches, women groups, men groups, college students, the unsaved and anyone who desire to seek God’s face.
  • How Do I Join the 21 Day Sacrifice Summit?
    Simply request the 21 Day Prayer, Fast and Consecration Bible Insert Card and follow the instructions. The instructions are also found at:
  • How do I Attain Copies of the 21 Day Prayer, Fast and Consecration Bible Insert Instruction Card?"
  • Are the Prayer, Fast and Consecration Bible Insert Card Free?"
  • Can I Request a Mail Copy of the Prayer, Fast and Consecration Bible Insert Card?"
    Yes. Email your name, address, phone number and the number of card you are requesting to
  • Will There be Worship Service the Entire 21 days of the Sacrifice Summit?
    Yes, Each night the word of God will be preached, praise and worship, etc.
  • Where will the 21 Day Sacrifice Summit Worship Service be Held?
    Grace Christian Fellowship Church, 5000 W. Villard Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53218 Pastors: Larry & Sandy Burnett
  • What Time does the Worship Service Start Each Night?
    Prayer 6:00pm & Worship Service 7:00pm
  • Do I Have to Attend the Worship Service in Order to Participate in the 21 Day Sacrifice Summit?
    No, The sacrifice is completed on your own time. The worship service is encouraged.
  • Who are the Speakers?
    Senior Women Pastors, Women Co-Pastors and First Ladies for different denomination in the Wisconsin area.

Frequently Asked Questions

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